Tuesday, June 11, 2024

W3C Invites Implementations of Propagation format for distributed context: Baggage

 The Distributed Tracing Working Group invites implementations of the Candidate Recommendation Snapshot of Propagation format for distributed context: Baggage. This specification defines a standard for representing and propagating a set of application-defined properties associated with a distributed request or workflow execution.

This is independent of the Trace Context specification. Baggage can be used regardless of whether Distributed Tracing is used. This specification standardizes representation and propagation of application-defined properties. In contrast, Trace Context specification standardizes representation and propagation of the metadata needed to enable Distributed Tracing scenarios.

The current version of the Baggage specification is targeted for implementations by applications and services, including web applications running within a browser. Web Browsers or User Agents are not currently in scope as a target implementation.

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