Friday, June 29, 2012

SEO with ASP.NET 4.0 Framework

For commertial website development we cant ignore on page search engine optimization, On page SEO or search engine optimisation is making sure that your website is as search engine friendly as possible. If your website is not optimised then you have less chance of getting good results in the search engines, ( basic seo tasks ) here are some of the improvements added in ASP.NET - 4.0 Framework
1. Now you can add the meta key words and description in code-behind also. Previously in aspx page, in html markup, we used to provide meta tags
<meta name="keywords" content="SEO improvement, .net framework 4.0"
<meta name="description" content="you can imporve SEO"
Now, in .net 4.0, you can do this in code-behind  
Page.MetaDescription = "you can improve SEO";
Page.MetaKeywords = "SEO improvement,.net framework 4.0"
2. Response.RedirectPermanent() method : Its common that, aspx page names will change some times. Then, old links will become stale and search engines will point to these stale pages, . Although we handle this by redirecting to new pages, still it will throw an temporary redirect response(HTTP 302), which causes the negative impact in search engines and your page rank will reduce.  
<PRE class="brush: plain">New method Response.RedirectPermanent() method will throw an Permanent redirect(HTTP 301), which makes the search engines to replace their old links with new links and your page rank will not affect because of this.

Related posts:

Differences Between IIS URL Rewriting and ASP.NET Routing SEO with ASP.NET 4.0 Framework

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