Monday, March 14, 2011

Basic steps for Web Site Designing

For build a web site it isn't necessary to know HTML; there are some soft wares that you design your site with them and they convert it to HTML. Microsoft FrontPage and Dreamweaver are two common softwares.

Notice you design a business site and so design a simple site. In many countries internet is very slow and it take a long time to appear a page.

There are so many people use computers with old browsers and old soft wares. You know resolution of monitors is low in result design your site with wide about 800 pixels or fewer.

You must first identify clear marketing goals for your site; you need to figure out what your potential customers need to know before buying from your site. This might include: An overview of your company, pricing, product specifications, and other information, for each product or service, a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section that anticipates and answers customers' common issues.

After designing you should upload your site to your host; upload means transfer files of your site to your host. You can do this with file manager from control panel of your web hosting site or with a soft ware as cutFTP. using soft ware is easy and fast but at beginning using site control panel is better.