Wednesday, July 24, 2024

First Public Working Draft: CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 2

 The CSS Working Group has published a First Public Working Draft of CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 2. This module contains features to control panning and scrolling behavior with “snap positions”.

CSS is a language for describing the rendering of structured documents (such as HTML and XML) on screen, on paper, etc.

Draft Note: Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements

 The Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Research Questions Task Force (RQTF) welcomes feedback on the updated Draft W3C Group Note Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements. The document covers accessibility user needs, requirements, and scenarios for collaborative content creation and development tools. The solutions identified in this document are intended to influence the evolution of future accessibility guidelines, technical specifications, or features of collaboration tools and assistive technologies. They are also relevant to software developers who contribute to developing the collaborative experience. Questions for this review are in e-mail for CTAUS review. Please send any comments by 30 September 2024.

Diversity report 2024

 W3C released today the 2024 diversity report. As part of our commitment and continued focus on diversity and inclusion, since 2018 we annually report on gender and geographic diversity at W3C.

We would like W3C to be a model of supporting diversity. As an international organization, we can see the immense value we gain from having greater gender diversity, and expertise from across multiple countries and cultures. The diversity of the whole world needs to be reflected, as 66% of the world is now online and as more people continue to access and use the Web that we develop the standards of, here together at the Web Consortium.

We believe that more diversity means better representation, which leads to better and more inclusive design. Indeed, more background, more use cases, more edge cases, lead to a better Web. More diversity also brings higher quality results.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Draft Note: Urdu Gap Analysis

 The Internationalization Working Group has published a first Draft Note of Urdu Gap Analysis. This document describes and prioritises gaps for the support of Urdu on the Web and in eBooks. In particular, it is concerned with text layout. It checks that needed features are supported in W3C specifications, in particular HTML and CSS and those relating to digital publications. It also checks whether the features have been implemented in browsers and ereaders. This is a preliminary analysis.

Draft Note for Wide Review: Guidance on Applying WCAG 2 to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies (WCAG2ICT)

 The Accessibility Guidelines (AG) Working Group has published an updated Draft Group Note of Guidance on Applying WCAG 2 to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies (WCAG2ICT). WCAG2ICT provides guidance on applying WCAG 2 to non-web documents and software. This is the planned last draft before the group publishes this as a W3C Group Note.