Tuesday, May 21, 2024

RDF Dataset Canonicalization is a W3C Recommendation

 The RDF Dataset Canonicalization and Hash Working Group published RDF Dataset Canonicalization as a W3C Recommendation. RDF describes a graph-based data model for making claims about the world and provides the foundation for reasoning upon that graph of information. At times, it becomes necessary to compare the differences between sets of graphs, digitally sign them, or generate short identifiers for graphs via hashing algorithms. This document outlines an algorithm for normalizing RDF datasets such that these operations can be performed.

W3C Invites Implementations of Bitstring Status List v1.0

 The Verifiable Credentials Working Group invites implementations of the Candidate Recommendation Snapshot of Bitstring Status List v1.0. This specification describes a privacy-preserving, space-efficient, and high-performance mechanism for publishing status information such as suspension or revocation of Verifiable Credentials through use of bitstrings.

First Public Working Draft: CSS View Transitions Module Level 2

 The CSS Working Group has published a First Public Working Draft of CSS View Transitions Module Level 2. This module defines how the View Transition API works with cross-document navigations.

Updated Candidate Recommendation: CSS Multi-column Layout Module Level 1

 The CSS Working Group invites implementations of an updated Candidate Recommendation Snapshot of CSS Multi-column Layout Module Level 1. This specification describes multi-column layouts in CSS, a style sheet language for the web. Using functionality described in the specification, content can be flowed into multiple columns with a gap and a rule between them.

Comments are welcome via the GitHub issues by 9 July 2024