Saturday, February 19, 2011

CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 3 Draft Published

The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group has published a Working Draft of CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 3. This CSS Image Values and Replaced Content module has two parts. First, it defines the syntax for image values in CSS. image values can be a single URI to an image, a list of URIs denoting a series of fallbacks, a reference to an element in the document, or gradients. Second, it defines properties used to control the interaction of replaced content and the CSS layout algorithms. These properties can affect the used image resolution for bitmaps, the replaced object's orientation, and whether and how to preserve the object's aspect ratio. Learn more about the Style Activity.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

SEO - Internal Link Building

1. Make all of your links absolute, remove secondary keywords that are NOT RELEVANT.

2. Cap all out-bound links (links leaving the page to no more than 10 per page) or create a new page to keep the focus laser-like.

3. Optimize your anchor text (the text in the link). Make sure your main keyword/phrase is on the page (at least one time) as well as in the title.

4. Use contextual links in the content, the higher on the page the better as links higher in the page are known to carry more weight in search engines vs. footer links.

5. Keep your pages lean 20k or less (optimization also means loading time), this includes images and code bloat.

6. Optimize your in-line code. Keep all of your java script and other programming code off page (in their own respective files and hyper-linked to the page like a style sheet).

7. Hone the focus of the page – Make sure your main keyword appears at least 2-4 times on the page and once in the h1 and a slight variation in an H2 tag.

Reciprocal Linking